“Zulm Episode 10” – Zulm is a 2023-24 Pakistani Urdu thriller drama series. The series premiered exclusively on Hum TV every Monday at 8 pm and on YouTube at 9 pm from November 20, 2023. Zulm Drama, a thrilling saga of continuous battle against injustice and Power, the story revolves around the tug of war between the coups of good and evil. As the dark clouds of criminal supremacy blinds the society, the fight of a young girl for justice continues to get harder, until the rescuer arrives.
Director: Ilyas Kashmiri
Written by: Rehana Aftab
Produced by: Momina Duraid
Production MD Productions
Original channel: Hum TV
Original Run: November 20, 2023
No. of Episodes: --
Episode Run Time: 36- 39 mins
Actors: Faysal Qureshi, Sahar
Hashmi, Shahzad Sheikh, Raeed Muhammad Alam, Aamra Qazi, Saba Faisal, Adila
Saleem, Tazeen Hussain, Hani Taha, Ahmed Rafiq
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of Zulm: Click Here